Tag: stieff Stieff Rebuild - New sharps Quality is a collection of small details. And for every piano, the first thing the pianist Stieff Rebuild - Soundboard tapering and ribs The soundboard was tapered (diaphramized in Steinway terminology). First contour lines were routed Stieff Rebuild - Soundboard Preliminaries An update on the Rebuild of Stieff 28334 has been a long time in coming. I've been disappointed Stieff Rebuild - Refinishing I expect to have more time for the rebuild in November, after I finish the rebuild of a fine, old Stieff Rebuild – Soundboard Arrival I am grateful for my customers, and they are taking my time! The Stieff Rebuild is not moving Stieff Rebuild – Leg Plates The piano was prepared for its trip to the refinishing shop. It's there now. I anticipate its Stieff Rebuild - Tear Down Week 15? Yes. I made no progress on the project for the past 10 weeks. Oh my. Interruptions were a Stieff Rebuild - Gathering Resources It was a vacation week! Terri and I enjoyed a few days in sunny California, and since we were near Stieff Rebuild - Keyframe work Keyframe Work Earlier, I completed woodwork and cleanup on the keyframe. This week, I installed new Stieff Rebuild - Radial Arm Saw upgrade Key work I had considered doing ivory repair on this piano, but in the end I decided that there Stieff Rebuild – Keyframe Preparation I completed some more work related to the key frame, and the mind is spinning with plans for the Stieff Rebuild - the Beginning New WNG parts for the action were ordered two years ago. The three photos in the sequence here Categories Case Repairs More Pianos Sold Presentations PTG Random Thoughts Shop Procedures Shop Work Blog posts by year: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2010